Designed from the ground up for music composition.
Used by thousands of composers since 2010.
RapidComposer is an innovative, phrase-based music composition tool, offering a flexible, non-destructive workflow tailored for composers, songwriters, and musicians of all genres. RapidComposer empowers you to turn your musical ideas into reality with ease.
Latest News:
January 13, 2025: Syne v1.5.2 and RapidComposer v5.4.3 updates available!
with audio-to-MIDI conversion and workflow improvements.
Upgrade to version 5 with a discount! Read upgrade info
Effortlessly craft rich chord progressions and utilize piano-style phrases, even without prior piano experience. Auto-harmonize melodies, receive chord suggestions, and load MIDI files with built-in chord detection. With tools like the chord palette and the Circle of Fifths chart, RapidComposer provides constant support to enhance your songwriting process.
Phrases automatically adapt to the current chord and scale on the master track, eliminating the need to adjust individual notes. Simply lay out chords on the master track or drop in a chord progression, and with a single keystroke, generate a harmony track with flawless voice leading. Start composing with ease today!
Included rhythm and phrase generators allow for creating a wide range of patterns, both monophonic and polyphonic. Generate melodies, apply variations to modify phrases non-destructively, and easily slice or adjust the rhythm of existing phrases.
Leverage an intelligent algorithm to generate optimal guitar chord fingerings based on your specific constraints. Easily edit fingerings directly on the fretboard. Convert tracks into editable guitar tablature with calculated, optimized fingerings. Export tabs seamlessly in MusicXML format for further use.
Suggestions by harmonic rules, borrowed chords, chord substitutions, pivot chords, diatonic and chromatic mediant chords, passing chords, bass and melody pedal tone chords, chords on scale, chord builder, chord voicing editor. With these tools, you'll always have guidance for selecting the perfect chords.
RapidComposer provides multiple methods for selecting chords for the master track or progressions, including the Tonnetz and Circle of Fifths. Chord buttons can be color-coded by consonance, common tones, tonality, or suggestions. Customize chord rules for progressions and apply chord voicings to individual tracks, phrases, or the master track.
The AI assistant, available in both full and light editions, offers intelligent suggestions for chord replacements, progressions, rules, phrases, and even song structure based on the genre or mood you specify. Powered by OpenAI models (such as GPT-4), this feature requires an OpenAI API key for use (see the FAQ for more details).
RapidComposer generates multi-track compositions with chords based on your settings and phrases, supporting a variety of workflows. It's designed to inspire creativity, even when you're not short on ideas.
* Full Edition only
Melodya is a motive generator and editor, which was integrated into RapidComposer as a Melody Editor tab. By enabling the chords track, you can create a melody for a given chord progression, so two entirely different workflows are supported.
* Full Edition only
The extensive libraries for chords, scales, and chord progressions are fully expandable. Use the docked browsers to search, preview, sort, group, and display items. Additionally, a file browser and a CC envelope browser have been included for enhanced navigation.
Since our last conversation I've completed 3 songs for sync (one for a Master Card ad) I'm super happy. The past 4 days I've put close to 24 hours into the program. Actually Sunday this past, I was able to work in RapidComposer for like 8-10 hours with no issues. I was beaming! Oh..and from what I've seen and heard, Orb Composer doesn't hold a candle to RC :)
"I currently own Cthulu, Scaler, Melody Sauce, Riffer, Captain Chords, and none of those can hold a candle to RapidComposer. I hope nobody else buys this because at the moment this is my Secret Weapon. It has raised my game to a whole new level. RapidComposer could change music as we know it especially for the Electronic Music Producer with little or no knowledge of Music Theory."
"I often use the Melody Generator combined with a chords track, to spark ideas when I have complete writer's block. And sometimes I use the Idea Tool to come up with a random chord progression. I always come up with something cool and useful, even after experimenting for only 5 minutes."
"RapidComposer is the best tool in the world for making masterpiece music in less than 10 minutes. Finally, I have my one tool for writing REAL music."
"I have been a registered user of RapidComposer for years and I can honestly say that Attila never rests on constantly improving and adding refinements that truly make RapidComposer one of a kind. Please, keep up your hard work Mr Mezei it is much appreciated."
"RapidComposer is the most powerful compositional tool that I have used in over 20 years of producing music. I am able to create faster and more importantly to a higher level than ever before. It is function over form. Not pretty, but a huge amount of power lies under it's skin. If you are patient it offers huge reward. The price is very competitive and the Support from the developer, Attila is the best I have ever known. Anybody who makes music of any kind would be wise to give it a fair trial."
"Rapid Composer is such a deep and inspiring tool that it is hard to put into words the joyful emotional affect it causes as you create music in a manner that is unlike any other program or DAW. It is very well designed and improved continuously by it's totally dedicated developer. There is some brilliance in this program! It has allowed me to develop music that I would not be able to otherwise with my limited knowledge of music theory. I totally recommend this program."
"RapidComposer is a remarkable composition tool for musicians. It's often classified as a sequencer, which is technically accurate, but it's so much more! To quote another user, "The potential of this program is VAST." There are many cool built-in features and tricks designed to help musicians, producers, and songwriters compose songs. [...] Thank you MusicDevelopments for developing this fantastic creative environment."
"Breaking new ground, RapidComposer is an amazing [...] compositional tool - we're impressed! "
"RapidComposer is a fundamental rethink of every important aspect of computer composition. Structure and surface are wonderfully entangled in RapidComposer, casting a tool that puts ideas, form and texture at the forefront as never before."
"RapidComposer is extremely efficient in workflow, as a composer I can sense the intuition behind the well thought layout and when I felt something was missing I discussed about it and some of my suggested features were implimented in hours !
Impeccable service is the cherry on top of the amazing software."
"To me, RC is a tool that is always ready to help you create and combine backtracks harmonies and inspirational melodies very quickly.
Simply, import harmonies, phrases, rhythms from midi files to build libraries to your taste
and combine them to create your own as you wish!"
"From a beginners point of view, RapidComposer is a very awesome, yet complex program. The more you delve into it, however, the more you can decide which direction you want to go with it. RapidComposer, can produce it's own song, but it really shines when you work with a generated midi file. The algorithms that are the heart and soul of the program, are second to none. You can tell that a lot of work went into this, a lot of development, tweaking and bolstering it up to the great program that it is. My advice to the beginner: if you get frustrated with RapidComposer, read the documents, watch the videos. It's too much to grasp in a session or two. You'll just be delighted, that you were patient enough and let RapidComposer work for you !"
"Thank you for developing and improving this app. I still don't see WHY this has not won an award. I looked at others but NONE of them give you this type of "under the hood" control. This is such a GREAT app. It's like a best friend, it gives ideas but leaves room for you to make the final choices. The Youtube videos help a lot to ease the learning curve of this app. But once you get it the composing is endless fun. Bravo!!"
"Mit RapidComposer steht dem Anwender ein mächtiges und umfangreiches Werkzeug zur Verfügung, um schnell und einfach – auch ohne umfangreiche Kenntnisse in der Musiktheorie – gut klingende Musik zu entwerfen. [...] RapidComposer lässt sich für alle empfehlen, die ein wenig Hilfestellung bei der Komposition, ein Werkzeug für eine schnelle Musik-Skizze oder ein schnelles Ideen-Werkzeug für neue Inspirationen benötigen."
"Since using RapidComposer to write compositions, I find myself writing more for orchestra and individual instruments. The tools from RapidComposer give me the ability to emulate and analyse great composers and explore directions in music."
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